
All funds are used for purchasing toys, related supplies, and basic operational expenses related to the toy program. We are a 100% volunteer organization. NOT ONE DONATED DOLLAR GOES TO PAY FOR SALARIES OR ANY OTHER MANPOWER COSTS.


Who We Are

Toys For Tots (Canada) is a Canadian charity based on local partnerships between veterans and serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces, businesses, and concerned citizenry whose sole focus as an organization is to provide toys for children who are in need. We work to address and prevent specific problems faced by families and their supporting charity organizations by providing toys to children who would otherwise go without during a major religious holiday and provide toys throughout the calendar year to local emergency and social agencies to distribute to children during catastrophic circumstances.


Social Service

We support social service agencies and charities who have direct relationships with the families in need of support. Toys for Tots does NOT accept toy hamper requests directly. We collect toys though donations made at retail partners, media sponsors, and corporate fundraising events. Children’s names come in from our partner agencies, and we sort toys and pack hampers for both individual home deliveries and large bulk packages for distribution before Christmas and throughout the year as requested.


If you are interested in receiving support through Toys For Tots, please contact one of the social service organizations on our partner page.